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How to Turn Obstacles into Opportunities

Obstacles are rarely seen as opportunities. Before my spiritual journey, whenever an obstacle appeared, my first response was frustration and discouragement. I perceived obstacles as punishments preventing me from reaching my fullest potential. One of the most...

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The First 3 Important Steps to Turn Your Life Around

Turning your life around isn’t an easy task.   I remember when I used to daydream about the changes I wanted to see in my life. The gap between my current situation and my desired outcome seemed so big. Just the thought of it discouraged me.   Sometimes, no...

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How to Overcome Your Emotions

Overcoming your emotions during challenging times can be tricky. Your intense feelings overwhelm you. The spotlight is on everything wrong in your life as it spirals out of control. Below are three steps and bits of advice to ease yourself out of your emotional...

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One Quick Step to Transcend Negative Experiences

Transcending a negative experience can take time, depending on its nature. However, there’s one question that I always ask myself to jump-start the process:   How can I turn this into something good?   Honestly, this is not the question that usually comes to...

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Hi, I’m Haifa. Welcome to my blog where I’ll share with you my latest writing on topics that will help you get the clarity, inspiration, and motivation to transform your life.

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Haifa Blanchard, Aim Higher Book